Ganesh Statue
14 inch lotus seated wood Ganeshji
Ganeshji with umbrella , wood art
Padmasana , Lotus seated wood  Ganesh
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
bronze Ganeshji
Beautiful  brass Ganesha on pedestal
Beautiful kadam wood Ganesha sitting on lotus ,holding conch shells in  both hands
11 inch Kadam Ganesha holding  shanku or shell in both hands
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Ganesh Statue
14 inch lotus seated wood Ganeshji
Ganeshji with umbrella , wood art
Padmasana , Lotus seated wood  Ganesh
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
bronze Ganeshji
Beautiful  brass Ganesha on pedestal
Beautiful kadam wood Ganesha sitting on lotus ,holding conch shells in  both hands
11 inch Kadam Ganesha holding  shanku or shell in both hands
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.
Discover the Ganesha Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, featuring a wooden sculpture of Panchamukha Ganesha. This exquisite piece, seated under an arch, is adorned with intricate designs that highlight his elephant head, multiple arms, and symbolic attributes. It mirrors the artistry found in Nepali brass craftsmanship and serves as an auspicious gift for any occasion or home, embodying Ganesha’s role as the giver of good luck and remover of obstacles.

Ganesha-Kollektion/Saanskrityam/Glücksverheißende Geschenke für jeden Anlass, für jedes Zuhause. Ganesha, Geber von Glück, Entferner von Hindernissen

Regulärer Preis $150.00
Verkaufspreis $150.00 Regulärer Preis
Ganesh Statue

Ganesha-Kollektion/Saanskrityam/Glücksverheißende Geschenke für jeden Anlass, für jedes Zuhause. Ganesha, Geber von Glück, Entferner von Hindernissen

Product description
Product description

1 Nepalesisches Messing, 6 Zoll, Ganeshaa forever, Messingfarbe

2. Ganesh-Maske, exquisites, atemberaubendes Stück Holz und Metallverzierungen, einzigartiges und hervorragendes Kunstwerk, 11 Zoll lang und 6 Zoll breit

Hergestellt in Nepal

3. Panchamukha Ganesha aus Messing mit Kupfertönen. Er reitet auf einem Löwen. Der fünfte Kopf blickt nach hinten. Ein einzigartiges Stück und sehr glückverheißend, das man normalerweise in seltenen Tempeln findet. 9 Zoll hoch

4 Kadam Holz Jali Rahmen Ganesha 12 Zoll

5 Holz Sankh Ganesha 8 Zoll

6. Holzsitz auf Lotus, Ganesha 14 Zoll

7 Holz sitzend auf Lotus Ganesha 9 Zoll

8. Musikalisches Ganesha-Set … 2 Zoll Messing 5er-Set

9, 5 Zoll süßer und bunter Chattri Ganesh

Eine schwere 18-Zoll-indische Ganeshji-Bronze … ein Sammlerstück … exquisite Kreation, geeignet für Tempel oder ähnliche besondere Räume oder Innenräume

Einzigartige Artikel, keine Markenartikel, Vintage-Erbe

Religiöse Bedeutung

Ganesha ist der Elefantengott mit dem Körper eines Menschen und einem Elefantenkopf. Er wird weltweit als der Beseitiger von Hindernissen verehrt.

Geber des Erfolgs bei allen Bemühungen