Lakshmi lamp in brass
Ganesh lamp in brass
Peacock lamp in brass
Ganesh urli copper finish
dancing elephant floor lamp
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
antique finish set of 2 brass lamps
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
beautiful Kanchi Kamakshi lamp in brass
Kerala lamps ,set of 2 in brass
Kamakshi vilakku /lamps in brass, set of 2
deepa lakshmis set of 2 in brass
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
Lakshmi lamp in brass
Ganesh lamp in brass
Peacock lamp in brass
Ganesh urli copper finish
dancing elephant floor lamp
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
antique finish set of 2 brass lamps
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
beautiful Kanchi Kamakshi lamp in brass
Kerala lamps ,set of 2 in brass
Kamakshi vilakku /lamps in brass, set of 2
deepa lakshmis set of 2 in brass
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.
The Lamps and More! Brassware Lamp Collection from Saanskrityam Handicraft Store features an exquisite brass elephant sculpture, its trunk elegantly raised and adorned with intricate patterns. The elephant carries a basket in its trunk and is embellished with small bells hanging from a structure above its head, evoking traditional religious motifs, set against a plain background.

Lampen und mehr! Messinglampen-Kollektion von Saanskrityam

Regulärer Preis $160.00
Verkaufspreis $160.00 Regulärer Preis
Lakshmi lamp in brass

Lampen und mehr! Messinglampen-Kollektion von Saanskrityam

Product description
Product description

A. 5-Zoll-Lampen, die religiöse Symbole enthalten. Shanku und Chakra sind die Muschel und das Rad, die Sriman Narayana selbst in seinen Händen hielt. Sie symbolisieren seine Göttlichkeit

B.Lakshmi-Lampe: Eine robuste Kreation, Lakshmi Devi auf Lotusblüte mit wunderschöner Lampe zum Anzünden der 7 Zoll hohen Diya

C. Ganesha-Lampe: Eine robuste Kreation, Ganesha auf Lotus mit schöner Lampe, um Diya 7 Zoll hoch zu schaffen


D Ganesh Urli: Große und schwere Messingurne oder -schale für Blumen oder eine kleinere Lampe – in Messingoptik, 7 Zoll hoch

E. Ganesh Urli: Großes und schweres Messing mit Kupferoberfläche, 7 Zoll hoch

F.Pfauenlampe: 9 Zoll hoch, robust und schön, kann viele Dochte und viel Öl aufnehmen

Eine wunderschöne Elefanten-Stehlampe oder Tischlampe aus Messing. Elefanten-Design mit tiefem Lampenraum für Öl, schöne Messing-Fußkettchen schmücken die Lampe, die eine schöne Elefantenskulptur aus Messing zeigt. Einzigartiges Produkt mit historischem und Vintage-Wert. 18 Zoll hoch, Durchmesser der Basis 8 Zoll

I. Antikes Messinglampenset 7 Zoll und 4 Zoll

J.Große Kamakshi Vilakku - atemberaubende Lampe mit exquisiten Details aus dem Tempelgelände

K. Kleineres Paar Kamakshi Vilakku oder Lampen, die als Paar verkauft werden

L.Mittelgroßer Kutthu Vilakku mit kleiner Pfauenspitze, paarweise verkauft

M. Mittelgroßer Kutthuvilakku im Kerala-Stil, als Paar verkauft

N. Ein Paar Deepa Lakshmi-Lampen

Mehrgenerationennutzung und antiker Wert

Farbe/Material ist messingfarben-natur

Verschiedene Quellen, keine besondere Markenempfehlung

Verschiedene Sammlungen aus dem ganzen Land

Hergestellt in Indien