A brass peacock lamp from the Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, measuring 9 inches, showcases an intricately carved peacock design. The detailed feathers of the peacock stand atop a shallow dish with a sunburst pattern on the edge, all set against a plain brown background.
A brass peacock lamp from the Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, measuring 9 inches, showcases an intricately carved peacock design. The detailed feathers of the peacock stand atop a shallow dish with a sunburst pattern on the edge, all set against a plain brown background.

Peacock lamp, brass 9 inch

Regular price $240.00
Sale price $240.00 Regular price
Unit price
A brass peacock lamp from the Saanskrityam Handicraft Store, measuring 9 inches, showcases an intricately carved peacock design. The detailed feathers of the peacock stand atop a shallow dish with a sunburst pattern on the edge, all set against a plain brown background.

Peacock lamp, brass 9 inch

Regular price $240.00
Sale price $240.00 Regular price
Unit price
Product description
Product description

Bring charm and tradition into your home with this 9-inch brass peacock lamp. The peacock, with its detailed feathers and elegant design, adds a touch of tradition and beauty to any space. Perfect for poojas or celebrations this lamp is sure to light up your home with warmth and positivity.

Key Points

Material: Brass 
Design: Intricate peacock carving with stunning tail details and traditional motifs.
Size: 9 inches